Monday, February 16, 2009

Quote of the Week!

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start" -John Bingham

**The quote above is by far one of my favorites for running! I have subscribed to Runner's World now for over 13 years and John Bingham is one of the best athletic writers. His monthly articles are always so inspiring. I highly suggest you read them! His claim is "No need for speed!" I hope you all are enjoying your runs!

I finally ran outside on Sunday in the gorgeous weather and I loved it! It is been well over a year since I had done this and I realized how much I missed it! My 8 miles were slow but I made it through them!

Keep up all the great work!
Happy Trails-
Ang :)


  1. Um 8 miles I am so in trouble if we are suppose to be running 8 miles already. You are super women. When the weather gets nicer I would love to run outside with you, that is if I can keep up. Your amazing angie good for you, you are definitely going to be our strong runner in this for sure.....

  2. I love both of those quotes! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  3. That is an awesome quote. love love love it. I am going to print it up really big..
    oh yeah 8 miles are you for real???Awesome.
